The number of job openings across the construction industry is at its second-highest level in 20 years. The latest figures published in May reveal job postings in construction have topped 36K.

It is expected that more job openings will follow over the next decade to fulfill President Biden’s ambitious Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Whilst the job opportunities are great for workers, employers are challenged with building a workforce with the relevant skills to fulfill job roles.

And there is a significant skills shortage in the construction industry. Construction companies that act fast and attract top talent with appealing job advertisements will land the cream of the crop.

To sum the job market up in a nutshell: the race is on!

How to compose job ads that appeal to skilled workers

The first point to pay attention to is that job postings are not the same as job descriptions. Candidates don’t want to know what employers expect them to do, they want to know what’s in it for them.

Bear in mind, that skilled workers have the upper hand in the current climate. There are more job openings than there are people with the relevant skills to fill them.

To bring in high-caliber employees, you need to know what they want from a job, what remuneration and benefits they expect, and how interesting the project is.

Understand your audience

You will increase your chances of landing top talent if the role provides candidates with opportunities and environments they want from a job. Read our previous article in relation to what different age groups look for in jobs.

Ask your most valued staff what they would look for in a job and what they most like about the company. This gives you an insight into the mind of the right people you want to bring in.

In addition, use the information you source from your existing team as examples in your job ad. For example, use quotes employees provide about why they like working for the company or how their career has developed, etc.

Sell the opportunity, not the requirements

As mentioned above, a job ad should focus on the potential candidates, not the company. Whilst you should summarize the role and responsibilities, this part of the job ad should be brief.

The key attribute of a job ad that will attract top talent is to describe what opportunities the job offers them. Will they be working with the latest technologies, be offered flexible work hours, or receive on-the-job training?

When you know your audience, you know what opportunities they are looking for.

Highlight salary, perks, and benefits

The salary, perks, and benefits are the first factors candidates will consider before they decide whether to apply for a job. These factors should be listed at the top of the job ad and stand out.

Depending on the age of employees, perks and benefits should include family medical care, childcare, and pensions. Perks should include flexible working hours, some kind of membership or discount on goods and services, healthcare plans, and work-life balance.

Keep job ads brief and scannable

Searching for jobs can be time-consuming. It’s not much fun. If a job ad is more than half a page long of wedged paragraphs, job seekers may be deterred from applying.

Bullet pointing the job opportunities and preferences you are looking for in a candidate grabs attention. It’s quick to read, provides sufficient information – and if done well, will raise a sufficient amount of curiosity for candidates to submit an application.

Contact Cruitfly

Cruitfly has years of experience writing job ads for the construction industry. Moreover, we understand what today’s employees want from a job and can source top talent from our growing pool of skilled workers. Contact us today and request an employee.